PregnancyThe following conditions can be helped by acupuncture
Breech presentation
Research has shown acupuncture to be successful in rates of up to 80% in turning babies who are in breech position. Success is most likely between 32 and 35 weeks, although babies have been turned as late as 38 weeks. Treatment involves warming a point on both little toes with a moxa stick. Treatment is continued at home, preferably twice a day for 10 treatments. Preparation for labour Weekly acupuncture treatments in the last 5-6 weeks of pregnancy can be helpful in preparing woman physically and emotionally for labour. Induction of labour If a woman is overdue or early induction
advised, acupuncture can initiate a more gentle onset to labour and
can be an effective alternative to a medical induction. It can also
be used to aid medical induction or where medical induction has failed. |